Friday, July 10, 1987



The younger I was, the more alone I was. I was in my own fantasy world. I would pretend that my hands were people. I started playing the game Power Rangers in 1993 or so. In other words, I would play by myself. I would run around and pretend that sticks were spaceships. The older I got, the more I begin socializing with others. I was crawling in the dirt and on the floor early on.

2 years old
163: Rose Grove, Forest Grove, Oregon, United States
Joey Arnold, The Original Oatmeal

Monday, June 1, 1987

Cute Fat Baby

Cute Fat Baby

I think I was a cute fat baby when I was two years old in the year 1987.

Two years old
Forest Grove, OR USA
Joey Arnold

Three Men & A Baby (film)

I remember seeing the film Three Men & A Baby in the big screen, I recall, or at least on TV, or eventually I remember seeing bits and pieces of reruns or things that remind me of this film or the actors in them at least.


Sunday, May 10, 1987


I love this show Ducktales.

2 years old
Forest Grove, Oregon, United States
Joey Arnold, The Original Oatmeal