Friday, November 15, 1996

Space Jam

Space Jam.

I started trying to dribble when I was 7 years old in the year 1992. I started playing on organized children tri-city basketball teams when I was 8 years old in 1993 until 2000 (technically speaking) when I was 15 years old, and I still play when I can but not really on organized tournaments, except for a few times.

My dad and brother would watch the NBA on TV. I started rooting for Michael Jordan in the year 1993 or so when I was 8, I think, or something like that. The younger I was, the less I cared about the wellness and chemistry and teamwork of the whole entire team as a whole, and the more I would just care about my so-called role-model idol god, who just so happened to be Michael Jordan, and later it included Clyde Drexler, Damon Stoudamire, and others were added as I got older, like Kobe.

I like Bugs Bunny.

I like Michael Jordan.

Those were my two reasons for seeing Space Jam in the big screen in the year 1996 when I was 11 years old.

This is the one film that inspires me to play basketball and to go after my dreams. I this very inspirational. I got scared at the end. I did not want Jordan to lose and get stuck in the cartoon world forever.



I still sing that song:

I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky.

I think about it every night and day. I spread my wings and fly away.

I believe I soar, I see it coming in an open door.

I believe I can fly.........

November 1996
11 years old
At a big screen in Oregon, United States
Joey Arnold, The Original Oatmeal

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